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Mystery Jets

Twenty One

    Mystery Jets are back with their second album. "Twenty One" is an awe-inspiring collection of oddball pop songs. A clear departure from their debut album "Making Dens", these four young men have grown up in more ways than one. Produced predominately by DJ legend Erol Alkan and with one track, ("Half In Love With Elizabeth") helmed by veteran British producer Stephen Street, it's a huge stylistic and emotional leap forward for the band.

    The Futureheads

    The Futureheads

      One of the most talked about bands at this year's 'South By South West', The Futureheads finally release their long awaited eponymous debut album.

      Secret Machines

      Now Here Is Nowhere

        This is powerful stuff, especially if you like your rock to disorientate you. Locked into churning grooves but always tuneful, you could lump these in with the Nu Prog heads because this is certainly psychedelic. It's shifting, spatial heavy music.

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