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Lee F Cullen is predominantly a multi- instrumentalist/ bedroom-based producer who has written in excess of 500 songs. For live work Lee has the help of an ever changing group of musicians collectively named 'The Corvidae Family' who radically alter the songs on stage to keep them breathing and organic. After the break up of his last band, the funk orientated Big Wow he returned to his first love of psychedelia and 'song' orientated material. Drawing inspiration from The Nice, Procol Harum, July, Bill Fay, Barclay James Harvest, Baroque Music, Ray Manzerek, John Carpenter and the D.I.Y ethic of home taping artists – Lee strives to create swirling technicolour music. Working with a P.C. and Reel-to-Reel Tape Machines lee writes, records, and produces songs at an alarming rate, "Wild Honey Arabesques" is the first work of a series of albums. "Wild Honey Arabesques" was written during the fallout of Lee's last band Big Wow. Using instrumentation such as Mellotron, Organ, Harpsichord and Piano as the main voices Lee concedes that he doesn't remember writing any of these songs! Being, as they were, little more than fragments amassed from hours of tapes written while experiencing writers block. The album is about the 'Dispossession Of The Self' and what happens when one is led astray from their own path. This is not nostalgic psychedelia; psychedelia is used here, as it is the chosen medium for artistic expression with clichés subverted to produce introspective psych closer in spirit to singer songwriters like Leonard Cohen and Bill Fay than Tintern Abbey. Actually think Tintern Abbey covering a Bill Fay Song and you're not so far off!

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