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Just What The World Needs returns with more retro disco delights with a new four-track and limited edition EP packed full of heat. This 16th outing opens up with a retro funky disco sound with live drums and funky guitar riffs topped off with broody horns. Track 2 is a more steamy affair thanks to the conversational horns that lead the way over deeper disco grooves and Track 3 then keeps it low-slung and playful with busy bass guitar riffs and nice jazzy Rhodes keys. Last of all is a percussive and loose-limbed number with a dubby, swaggering rhythm and a well-known vocal hook for maximum seduction.


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Just What The World Needs returns to their own self-titled label with a 14th outing of fiery disco heat. This is potent music that melds together jazz, funk and soul with a lashing of synth goodness. The opener is a real driver with emotive gospel vocals and mad jazz keys and the flip side comes on strong with jazz say leading the way beneath vaping chords and funky, smooth drums. Last of all is a supercharged leftfield bomb with explosive cosmic synths and the sort of energy that stands out in any set.


Mine says: Driving disco with that Theo flair; acidic proto-house with a cinematic twist; and summery clarinet-guided jazz-funk. DJ Righteous certainly keeps us on our toes across three fresh edits.


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If you have had your ear to the Balearic underground over the summer you might well have heard some high-profile selectors dropping cuts off this latest missive from US label Just What The World Needs. It is another sublime three-tracker that kicks off with the string-laced and upbeat disco delights of the A1. Second up is a much more slow and sensuous sound that sinks you in deep to a beach lounger as the sun fades into the sea and the sky turns flame red and orange. Things pick up again with the third and final cut - a percussive jumble of organic hits and drums overlaid with a heart-melting vocal sample and deft melodic details that drift by like wispy clouds.


Mine says: Possibly the best label name of all time? Pete Blaker does it justice with three very different edits and I'm very much here for Track 2... absolute cosmic bliss!


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