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Franc Moody

Chewing The Fat

    'Chewing The Fat' marks the start of a new era for Franc Moody. It’s a deep dive into the recesses of the duo’s creative nooks and crannies, a tearing up of the rulebook, and a reinvention of the Franc Moody sound that shows a more mature side than their previous offerings.

    Recorded in part at the LA 64 Sounds Studio and at Damon Albarn’s Studio 13 in West London, the sonics of the album are heavily influenced by Albarn’s synth collection (in particular a few of the Russian models lying around), as well as live shows by Massive Attackand LCD Soundsystem, making this an offering with perhaps a little less disco, but with a sense of grunge, grit, and attitude.


    1. Driving On The Wrong Side Of The Road
    2. Square Pegs In Round Holes
    3. Space Between Us
    4. Bloodlines
    5. Going Through The Motions
    6. Chewing The Fat
    7. Henges (Interlude)
    8. Pressure Makes Diamonds
    9. Swallertrip (VINYL ONLY)
    10. Can’t Find The Words
    11. The Light You Bring

    Franc Moody

    Into The Ether

      All the tunes on 'Into The Ether' deal with searching for something, the idea of reaching a promised land, leaving the wind and the rain to head off to sunnier climes and escape from the norm.

      The idea of something unattainable. Setting oneself free, and entering into the unknown and the journey that that entails.

      It's a journey many of us live day to day in a transient bubble. We visit new and alien lands everyday, meeting strange and surreal characters along the way. We have amazing, intense experiences on the way, like modern day explorers, frontiersmen, space explorers venturing out into the unknown. The longer we stay on the road the more our memory of home slowly fades. This is a metaphor for our mental/spiritual journey; it's not always easy, it's nerve wracking venturing into the unknown but there is growth to be gained from the excitement of new experiences.

      We as a group are a disparate set of characters drawn together by a collective aim. Our shared experiences forges a strong bond that overrides any differences we may have on the surface. That collective unity epitomises Franc Moody and we hope is the experience one gets at our live shows.

      The landscape we're trying to capture sonically is hugely influenced by the vast expanse of the desert. The scale of our orchestration will mirror this, think Lawrence of Arabia, Paris, Texas, Ennio Morricone. There's a scale to the orchestration that we're desperate to bring to this record, to bring an energy, a show that transcends boundaries.

      Romanticising tour life and putting it in glorious technicolour.


      Into The Ether
      Mass Appeal 
      I’m In A Funk
      Raining In LA (Intro)
      Raining In LA 
      The 7 
      Here Comes The Drop 
      Suspended Animation 
      Something's Got Me / In Transit


      Baby You're A Rich Man

        Debut release from the newly signed singer-songwriter on Ultimate Dilemma. Cute pop with a distinctly 60s feel.

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