Sounding almost exactly like 1986, this LP offered ten perfect synthwave moments, ranging between propulsive pop, heartwrenching power ballads and New Wave groovers. Here we get a pack of remixes of tracks from NINA's second album, Synthian (feat. LAU) featuring big players like Robert Parker, Das Mörtal Highway Superstar, Sung and Maethelvin as well as Aztec's very own Zenith Volt and Ends 84.
The opening track deserves special attention since it gets a very rocky treatment from Ricky Wilde and features the legendary Kim Wilde on additional vocals.
1. The Wire (feat. Kim Wilde & LAU) [Ricky Wilde Remix]
2. Unnoticed [Robert Parker Remix]
3. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Das Mörtal Remix]
4. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Ends 84 Remix]
5. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Maethelvin Remix]
6. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Sung Remix]
7. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Highway Superstar Remix]
8. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Zenith Volt Remix]
1. The Wire (feat. Kim Wilde & LAU) [Ricky Wilde Remix]
2. Unnoticed [Robert Parker Remix]
3. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Das Mörtal Remix]
4. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Ends 84 Remix]
5. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Maethelvin Remix]
6. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Sung Remix]
7. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Sung Remix]
8. Synthian (feat. LAU) [Zenith Volt Remix]