For the uninitiated (which included me until about 7 minutes ago), Paul Institute is the boutique label, cultural hub and sonic exchange run by synth soul genius Jai Paul, who we all know from his mega smash "Jasmine". Intent on causing a counter frenzy, Jai (or Paul) has dropped not one...not two...not three, but FOUR new label release AT THE SAME MF TIME! The second release in the series comes from a new artist to the Paul Institute, Hira, who was first introduced to the world with his embryonic Eve EP. Red Light Drive is a cyberpunk symphony set in that night club in Strange Days. That bass sound is a copper/silver ’99 hayabusa ripping a tunnel and those harmonies are every colour in Cyber City Oedo 808. File next to: Prince, The Neptunes, Frank Ocean
A. Red Light Drive
B. Red Light Drive (Instrumental)