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Luke Beetham and Stacy Peck of Pony Time: are they or aren’t they? The question on everyone’s mind will finally be answered on the group’s latest record Rumours 2: The Rumours Are True. Yes, it’s true. The Seattle two-piece has a new hit album recorded at Earwig Studio in the same style of Fleetwood Mac’s classic, replacing the copious amounts of cocaine with Gatorade and the tumultuous love affairs with trips to Arby’s.

Their fourth full-length, Rumours 2 combines Beetham’s crunchy, catchy, hum-into-your-hairbrush bass tones and emotive howl with Peck’s powerful drum beats to create eleven allout ragers that thrash around as wildly on the record as they do at their sweaty, energetic live shows. Pony Time takes the best parts of garage rock and leaves behind the bonehead bro attitude, for a sound that transcends the genre with pure, heartswelling energy and the kind of magical chemistry that only exists between bandmates who are friends in real life—in other words, they zero in on Troggs-like hooks, Wounded Lion popsense, and Beat Happening’s sense of whimsy.

Peck and Beetham met helping a friend move a stereo in 2009, and soon after Peck became Beetham’s electrician apprentice before realizing that what they really wanted to do was start a band together. Peck (who also plays drums in Childbirth) is an Aries and music video director who enjoys television and giving inanimate plush toys silly voices while Beetham is a galactic activation portal Libra who is not only a magician behind the bass, but can also do a surprising number of card tricks. But where Pony Time truly shines is when they bring in their best friend, crush, and pop-punk superstar chanteuse Lisa Prank on board to form the super group Party Girls and scream the last song on the record, “Stop Talking.”


1. Time Tells Me
2. Really Nice Guys
3. I Like Your Shoes
4. Put You There
5. Rock And Roll Will Kill You
6. Introvert ? Extrovert
7. Don't Mind If I Dew
8. Just Chips
9. Hank
10. Pattern Plan
11. Stop Talking

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