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Beat Happening

Music To Climb The Apple Tree By - 2022 Reissue

    Pulling together the lion’s share of Beat Happening’s non-LP material not covered by the expanded edition of the debut album, Music To Climb The Apple Tree By collects tracks from the band’s singles and compilation contributions along with their share of the Beat Happening/Screaming Trees EP. Essential ephemera.


    1. Angel Gone
    2. Nancy Sin
    3. Sea Hunt
    4. Look Around
    5. Not A Care In The World
    6. Dreamy
    7. That Girl
    8. Secret Picnic Spot
    9. Zombie Limbo Time
    10. Foggy Eyes
    11. Knock On Any Door
    12. Sea Babies
    13. Tales Of Brave Aphrodite
    14. Polly Pereguinn
    15. I Dig You

    Beat Happening

    Beat Happening - 2022 Reissue

      Here’s where it all began…This expanded double LP version of the “first album” thoroughly (though not completely) documents Beat Happening’s first four years of recorded history.


      A1. Foggy Eyes
      A2. Bad Seeds
      A3. I Let Him Get To Me
      A4. I Spy
      A5. Run Down The Stairs
      A6. In Love With You Thing
      A7. I Love You
      A8. Down At The Sea
      A9. Our Secret
      A10. What’s Important
      A11. Fourteen
      A12. Bad Seeds (live)
      B1. Run Down The Stairs
      B2. In My Memory
      B3. Honey Pot
      B4. The Fall
      B5. Youth
      B6. Don’t Mix The Colors
      B7. Christmas
      B8. Fourteen
      B9. Let’s Kiss
      B10. 1, 2, 3
      B11. Look Around
      B12. I Love You (demo)

      Beat Happening

      Black Candy - 2022 Reissue

        Is it okay to call Black Candy a departure? A Jungian descent into a darker psychological state? If the starkness of the cover art wasn’t enough of a harbinger, the edgier tone of Black Candy coupled with all this lyrical talk about gravediggers, lost boyfriends, ghosts and… pajama parties is enough to wonder just how close to the bonfire Beat Happening were willing to dance.


        1. Other Side
        2. Black Candy
        3. Knick Knack
        4. Pajama Party In A Haunted Hive
        5. Grave Digger Blues
        6. Cast A Shadow
        7. Bonfire
        8. T.V. Girl
        9. Playhouse
        10. Ponytail

        Beat Happening

        Dreamy - 2022 Reissue

          Released in tandem with the International Pop Underground festival, 1991 was a very good year on the S.S. Beat Happening. Songs from Dreamy crowd many fan favorite lists and with good reason.


          1. Me Untamed
          2. Left Behind
          3. Hot Chocolate Boy
          4. I’ve Lost You
          5. Cry For A Shadow
          6. Collide
          7.Nancy Sin
          8. Fortune Cookie Prize
          9. Revolution Come And Gone
          10. Red Head Walking

          Beat Happening

          Jamboree - 2022 Reissue

            Jamboree contains America’s accidental entry into the 1988 Eurovision contest, “Indian Summer.” Beat Happening lost to a then-unknown Céline Dion.

            TRACK LISTING

            1. Bewitched
            2. In Between
            3. Indian Summer
            4. Hangman
            5. Jamboree
            6. Ask Me
            7. Crashing Through
            8. Cat Walk
            9. Drive Car Girl
            10. Midnight A Go-Go
            11. The This Many Boyfriends Club

            Beat Happening

            You Turn Me On - 2022 Reissue

              From the hypnotic, elegiac pulse of “Tiger Trap” to the meditative tone poem of “Godsend,” the quiet maturity and melodic confidence of You Turn Me On makes it a bittersweet swansong for Beat Happening, but what a way to go out.

              TRACK LISTING

              1. Tiger Trap
              2. Noise
              3. Pinebox Derby
              4. Teenage Caveman
              5. Sleepy Head
              6. You Turn Me On
              7. Godsend
              8. Hey Day
              9. Bury The Hammer

              Beat Happening

              Look Around

                “The biggest thing ever to happen to indie pop in America... Most of what's written about this band is all about that sweet pop and those childish affectations, but that misses the substance at the core: Their music was dark, damaged, full of fright and sex and death and vulnerability-- just like any real childhood...their hopscotch stories felt punker than Black Flag tattoos ever could.” - Nitsuh Abebe, Pitchfork

                Exploding the teenage underground into passionate revolt against the corporate ogre since 1983, Beat Happening formed at Evergreen College in Olympia, Washington by Calvin Johnson, Heather Lewis and Bret Lunsford. The band combined a modern primitive pop sound with the D.I.Y. ethos of ‘anyone can do it’ and inspired countless bands and labels along the way. The music community that arose around the band and their label, K, may have seemed the sonic antithesis of their Seattle neighbors (and friends) but was no less influential.

                The legend of Beat Happening, and of K, the label that Calvin Johnson founded, is full of big names they worked with before they were stars (Beck! Modest Mouse! The Gossip!), and big names they influenced (Kurt Cobain! Sleater-Kinney!) Less acknowledged, however, is that Bret Lunsford, Heather Lewis, and Calvin Johnson created some of the most original and surprising music to come out of the often deliberately weird American punk rock tradition. Working from a sonic template of the Cramps, Trouble Funk, Young Marble Giants, and messianic blues, Beat Happening confounded and often incited violence from audiences weaned on hardcore punk. In the place of macho aggression, Beat Happening confronted the all-ages scene with Heather’s low-key delivery and Calvin’s fey theatrics, topped off by his trademark dance move: rubbing his tummy. For a supposedly cutesy band, Beat Happening was adamant about asserting its right to exist, carrying itself with a punk as fuck attitude that would become a key inspirational lodestone for the generation of D.I.Y. bands that followed, including Bikini Kill and the Nation of Ulysses.

                30 years since the release of their self-titled debut album, Look Around is a remastered, career-spanning double album anthology, handpicked by the band and a great starting point for the uninitiated as well a refreshing reminder to those who caught the wave the first time around. The 23 tracks range from their 1984 debut single, “Our Secret” b/w “What’s Important” (originally sold directly for $2.50 to individuals, but $4 to institutions) to “Angel Gone,” a single released in 2000 after eight years of inactivity.

                TRACK LISTING

                Side A:
                Our Secret
                Foggy Eyes
                Bad Seeds
                What’s Important
                Look Around
                In Between

                Side B:
                Indian Summer
                Other Side
                Black Candy
                Cast A Shadow
                Nancy Sin
                Knock On Any Door
                Left Behind

                Side C:
                Red Head Walking
                Fortune Cookie Prize
                Hot Chocolate Boy
                Pine Box Derby
                Tiger Trap

                Side D:
                Teenage Caveman
                Angel Gone

                Beat Happening

                Music To Climb The Apple Tree By

                This album compiles Beat Happening songs recorded between 1984 and 2000, including material long out of print on 45's and compilations, including the original version of "Nancy Sin". The last four songs are from the Screaming Trees / Beat Happening collaboration EP. This was originally included in the Beat Happening seven CD boxset "Crashing Through" and now its available in its own right.

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