So D.O.A. arranged a quick recording session. It’s a vitriolic take off of a big part of D.O.A’s history from the 80’s. The now released video has 3 million hits and counting.
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D.O.A., Canada’s punk pioneers know when to take a stand against bullshit. So that’s why they have come up with their new instant single Fucked Up Donald. Joey Shithead, the godfather of hardcore recently said "It did not take too long to realize that Donald Trump, with his anti-Mexican, anti-women, antipeople message was just too much. You can dress a pig up, but in the end you realize it’s really just Donald Trump".
So D.O.A. arranged a quick recording session. It’s a vitriolic take off of a big part of D.O.A’s history from the 80’s. The now released video has 3 million hits and counting.
So D.O.A. arranged a quick recording session. It’s a vitriolic take off of a big part of D.O.A’s history from the 80’s. The now released video has 3 million hits and counting.