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Massive release for fans of Stranger Things, hip-hop and the movement known as nerdcore - mash-up don Amerigo Gazaway joins forces with nerdcore rapper Mega Ran for a project which sees classic boom-bap beats, samples and soundbites from the show and lyrical content based on themes explored in season four of the cult series.

It's brilliantly conceived. "The Hellfire Club" samples Metallica's "Master Of Puppets" while Mega Ran raps about Dustin being 'master of the dungeons' and 'saving Hawkins from disaster'. "The Nina Project" discusses El and the dodgy goings on in the holding facility. There's even two masterful joints utilizing Kate Bush's anthemic track which would almost singularly soundtrack the entire show.

It's cleverly done and should give fans of the cult series plenty of feels whilst the beats, sampling and vocal delivery should keep even your most ardent hip-hop head nodding their head in approval. Pressed on special red & black splattered vinyl with a full color picture sleeve. Limited copies!


Matt says: Conscious boom-bap themed around Stranger Things season 4?! This is the very definition of the musical movement known as NERDCORE - but is also a killer hip-hop LP in its own right.


A1. Strangers
A2. The Hillfire Club
A3. The Nina Project
A4. Superheroes & Monsters

B1. Vecna's Curse
B2. The Upside Down
B3. The Massacre
B4. The Dive
B5. Superheroes

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