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Ecstatic Peace has been wanting to release a CD by Lord Jeff since we first heard their stray tapes and CDRs floating around the Pioneer Valley like so much spring pollen a few years back. We knew nothing about them except they had some familial connection to The Entrance Band who we were most definitely interested in, and subsequently released an amazing LP and CD by. As it turned out Ecstatic Peace founder Thurston Moore’s niece Louise Erdman reported she had been singing backups in this band Lord Jeff so Uncle T went to see them at Union Pool in Brooklyn one fine rock n’ roll evening and was entirely charmed. Plans went into action to release something/anything by these cats and after many moons of them playing in front of single digit audiences they got it together to record this amazing and beautiful disc. Think the genuine heart music of Buffalo Springfield and Wooden Wand with sweet Garcia moves and a punk gleam in the eye. Chief songwriter Sean Goggins is a gentle force of inspiration and his sound and vision are captured lovingly by the legendary Justin Pizzoferrato (J Mascis, T Moore, Fat Worm of Error etc.).

An active four-piece for a little more than a year now, Religious Knives have presided over a pair of twelve-inches, a couple of collections of out of print singles and long gone burns, and one full-length. All throughout, these four have traced a path away from the clamour they once knew, bathing slight guitars, interlocking vocals, and solemn basslines in reedy organs and recalcitrant modular synths. The seemingly tin eared would call it noise, but in these eight hands such a set plays as anything but, instead a (cough) syrupy stroll in search of the ghosts of rock's classicist past. With "The Door", Religious Knives have not only found those bygone days, but broken them apart. There are bookmarks to be found here, pages creased in well-worn chapters. These six songs are brighter, sharper than anything that has come before, locking in tight on jugular rhythms. It's the score for disappearing neighbourhoods and crumbling buildings, a hope of holding onto the past as those around us move fast to forget it. It is scent as sound, the stench of smog and sickly smoke spiralling towards the sky. It is Brooklyn, July of 2008. The sun has left us in the East, disappearing somewhere behind Jersey, leaving our borough to find the pulse of another night deep with the city's streets.

16 Bitch Pile-Up / Mike Shiflet

Make Like A Fetus And Abort / Extract, Behold

    Ohio has been rampant on the Ecstatic Peace playlists lately with the release of a long player by Leslie Keffer and a forthcoming split LP by Emeralds and Tusco Terror. Like Keffer, who's moved to Nashville (to be closer to Be Your Own Pet), 16 Bitch Pile-Up and Mike Shiflet are both ex-pats of Ohio. 16 Bitch to California and Shiflet to some weird small town in Japan. Mike Shiflet we've known for years as he has produced some of the more interesting tapes and what not of midwestern out-ness from his Gameboy label and from his legendary duo tour with Burning Star Core / C. Spencer Yeh of a few years back. Like the amazing beard he has sported since childhood his music is a free-fall of acoustic wonder. He is also the cat responsible for turning on most of the world to the radical charms of three girls from Ohio wickedly named 16 Bitch Pile-Up. With a name like that you may have expected something just kinda funny but what made itself imminently obvious was that 16 Bitch was really and extremely into producing a wholly personal thrombosis of noise improvisation. Crystallized to the trio of Sarah Bernat, Sarah Cathers and Shannon Walter this trio has become one of the most consistently exciting live experiences of the last five years. These recordings by both artists were done when both were still residents of Ohio and reflect that time and space right before each other's exodus. They are raw and righteous and ready for you to take a bite.

    White Out With Jim O'Rourke

    Drunken Little Mass

      A collaboration between Lin Culbertson, Tom Surgal (Collectively White Out) and the esteemed Jim O'Rourke. The Contents of this album are totally improvised, recorded in one take, with no over dubs.

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