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The Nearest Door

    D&V were a duo formed in Sheffield by Andy Leach on drums and Jef Antcliffe on vocals. The group released their first EP ‘The Nearest Door’ on Crass Records. With Penny Rimbaud as producer, their musical simplicity was combined with uncompromising avant-gardism to achieve new heights. The group would go on to release a second album in 1984 entitled ‘Inspiration Gave Them Motivation To Move On Out Of Their Isolation’ with a more refined sound and additional vocals by Crass' Eve Libertine and Joy de Vivre.

    Penny Rimbaud tells us; “D&V are so named because they turned up to play at the now legendary squat gig of 1982 at the Zig Zag Club in North London. At that time, they didn’t have a moniker, so they were chalked up on the day’s order of play as D&V (drums and vocals) because that’s what they were and that’s how they remained. Simple and to the point, they were precursors to rap which later both rhythmically and vocally came to mirror their fierce rhetoric. A northern band with streetwise sentiments, they spoke loud and clear of disenfranchisement (call it slavery) and the vicious class system which created it. From street to stormy skies, D&V were on the up, and hard rains began to fall.”

    Penny finally notes that “Our (Crass’) interest was never in personalities, profits or power, and neither did we have time for reformist liberals. Our position was solidly revolutionary; we took no prisoners. Ours wasn’t a show, it was a battle, not a living, but a lifestyle, a lifestyle with a difference – rather than looking only to ourselves, we sought to share our gains. I feel that this willingness added great strength to the form of anarchism that we practiced both on stage and out on the street.”

    In giving a platform to an impressive array of other bands, Crass Records broadened the front of what popularly became known as anarcho-punk. Not, it must be said, a moniker that Crass themselves much favoured. In this respect, Crass’ classic line, “There is no authority but yourself”, makes its point. Crass sought to empower others, and the output of Crass Records does much to confirm this, while ‘2 By 2 And Back Again’ seems to nail it – “get out of your own way, we’re all in this together”.


    1. Jekyll And Hyde
    2. Wake Up
    3. High Above
    4. Today’s Conclusion
    5. Step Inside
    6. Dignity
    7. S21PN


    In Nomine Patri

      Alternative were a Scottish anarcho-punk band of the early 80s that often drew comparison to Crass for their black attires, logos, firm political beliefs, as well as having their own open house, “The Pad”, where like-minded radicals would join and discuss ideas surrounding pacifism and anti-nuclear armament. The ‘In Nomine Patri’ EP is dark, furious, and articulate.

      Penny continues; “Largely through their fierce commitment to ‘changing the world’, Alternative were often referred to as the Scottish Crass. Knowing that talking the talk could only be a half of it, Alternative resolutely walked the walk. Based in Dunfermline, they set up The Pad, an autonomy centre where, over tea and buns, revolutionary visions of peace and love could fester and grow. Theirs was a studied and often poetic form of anarchy which concentrated on people not power. Their interest was not in themselves, but in others. They knew all too well that the only way forward was to do it yourself, and that’s precisely what they did, a’plenty. After all these years, give ‘em your ears.”

      Penny finally notes that “Our (Crass’) interest was never in personalities, profits or power, and neither did we have time for reformist liberals. Our position was solidly revolutionary; we took no prisoners. Ours wasn’t a show, it was a battle, not a living, but a lifestyle, a lifestyle with a difference – rather than looking only to ourselves, we sought to share our gains. I feel that this willingness added great strength to the form of anarchism that we practiced both on stage and out on the street.”

      In giving a platform to an impressive array of other bands, Crass Records broadened the front of what popularly became known as anarcho-punk. Not, it must be said, a moniker that Crass themselves much favoured. In this respect, Crass’ classic line, “There is no authority but yourself”, makes its point. Crass sought to empower others, and the output of Crass Records does much to confirm this, while ‘2 By 2 And Back Again’ seems to nail it – “get out of your own way, we’re all in this together”.

      Annie Anxiety

      Barbed Wire Halo - 2024 Reissue

        Punk pioneers Crass continue their vinyl reissue series, re-pressing their limited releases by adjacent artists through Crass Records. The series, including over twenty bands and solo artists recorded at the legendary Southern Studios and produced by Penny Rimbaud, continues with two more historic pieces from the Crass Records catalogue; ‘Barbed Wire Halo’ by Annie Anxiety and ‘Neu Smell’ by Flux of Pink Indians.

        “Trying to categorise Annie Anxiety is a futile task… [she] exudes a magnetic presence on anything she’s contributed to” The Vinyl Factory

        New York City musical maverick and performance artist Annie Anxiety, aka Little Annie aka Annie Bandez, began her illustrious career (including work with Adrian Sherwood, Coil, Current 93, and Lee ‘Scratch’ Perry) with Crass. They released her first solo single, 1981’s ‘Barbed Wire Halo’ alongside ‘Cyanide Tears’, an extraordinarily prescient piece of jagged electronics, samples, and skeletal rhythms, led by Annie’s nightmarish vocals.

        She tells us; “When creating this single with Penny I hadn’t heard the word ‘avant-guard’ nor could I spell it - I only got explained ‘concretism’ via an interview I did in Berlin regarding some of my work three years ago - My father was a printer so I grew up with sound of printing press and subway train beats and always heard melodies and cross rhythms within those beats - I was just making dance music / disco tunes to my mind and Pen heard those same tunes I was hearing - my first recording, in retrospect I guess, was pretty ‘out there’ at its release, but to us it was dance floor for a club yet to be invented- one day”.

        Penny Rimbaud expands; “Annie Anxiety is a total enigma, a passionate voice in the wilderness of consensual reason. Dada in instinct, Monroe in affection, Rambo in inflection, Annie rams it home with divine thunder. An instigator and innovator, she’s the bonkers angel of Yonkers, NYC. With no time to spare, Annie takes to the road with complete conviction, overtaking Kerouac halfway down 5th Avenue. Catch her if you can”.


        1. Hello Horror
        2. Cyanide Tears

        Flux Of Pink Indians

        Neu Smell - 2024 Reissue

          Punk pioneers Crass continue their vinyl reissue series, re-pressing their limited releases by adjacent artists through Crass Records, in association with One Little Independent. The series, including over twenty bands and solo artists recorded at the legendary Southern Studios and produced by Penny Rimbaud, continues with two more historic pieces from the Crass Records catalogue; ‘Barbed Wire Halo’ by Annie Anxiety and ‘Neu Smell’ by Flux of Pink Indians.

          “Flux of Pink Indian’s anti-capitalist, vegan, anarchist ideologies still resound today (possibly even more than they have in years)” The Quietus
          Flux of Pink Indians were an iconic anarcho-punk band active from 1980-1986. In 1981 the band signed to Crass Records, releasing their debut EP ‘Neu Smell’ the same year, featuring indie hit ‘Tube Disaster’. Pulsating bass and grinding, distorted guitar chaos underpins a vicious takedown of media sensationalism and the reporting of everyday tragedies.

          Penny continues; “Punk as it should be, but very often wasn’t, Flux assaulted the airwaves with an intelligent humour which, more often than not, was missing with other protagonists of the genre. Grim as it might have been, ‘Neu Smell’ must rate as one of the true gems of the time. Both drowning and waving, Flux’s irony could always put a smile on your face. If not the Ace, they were undoubtedly the Joker in the pack. Join the shuffle”.

          Penny finally notes that “Our (Crass’) interest was never in personalities, profits or power, and neither did we have time for reformist liberals. Our position was solidly revolutionary; we took no prisoners. Talking the talk was never enough for us, no, we demanded that we also walk the walk. Ours wasn’t a show, it was a battle, not a living, but a lifestyle, a lifestyle with a difference – rather than looking only to ourselves, we sought to share our gains. I feel that this willingness added great strength to the form of anarchism that we practiced both on stage and out on the street.”

          In giving a platform to an impressive array of other bands, Crass Records broadened the front of what popularly became known as anarcho-punk. Not, it must be said, a moniker that Crass themselves much favoured. In this respect, Crass’ classic line, “There is no authority but yourself”, makes its point. Crass sought to empower others, and the output of Crass Records does much to confirm this, while ‘2 By 2 And Back Again’ seems to nail it – “get out of your own way, we’re all in this together”. 


          1. Neu Smell / Tube Disaster / Poem
          2. Sick Butchers
          3. Background Of Malfunction


          Bullshit Detector Two - 2023 Reissue

            Crass Records, alongside One Little Independent Records, reissue their iconic three volume compilation series, ‘Bullshit Detector’. 

            ‘Bullshit Detector’ was the name of a series of compilation LPs put together by the anarcho-punk band Crass and released on their own label. Three editions were released between 1980 and 1984, consisting of demo tapes, rough recordings and artwork that had been sent to the band.

            The sound quality of the ‘Bullshit Detector’ series was mixed and often basic, or even poor, as Crass would master the tapes directly to record without any additional production or enhancement. For Crass, the expectation of a polished performance was missing the point.

            After punk had already been co-opted, re-packaged and sold back to us, ‘Bullshit Detector’ volumes 1-3 were, and still are, seen by many to capture the purest ethos of punk culture, an event that inspired hundreds to take to their bedrooms and garages and join the DIY revolution.

            Crass believed in the power of community and that their movement was for everybody. These compilations are an admittedly harsh but important part of that story; when Crass gave punk back to the people.

            TRACK LISTING

            Voice Of The U.K. - Waiting For Bardot
            Omega Tribe - Nature Wonder
            Suspects - Random Relations
            Your Funeral - Think About It
            Krondstadt Uprising - Receiver Deceiver
            Deformed - Freedom
            No Label - Let’s Get It Right
            The Rejected - Same Old Songs
            Boffo - Garageland
            XS - Fuck The System
            Polemic Attack - Manipulated Youth
            Gardener - A. Gardener’s Song
            Toxic - Tradition Of Slaughter
            1984 - Breakup
            Unknown Artist - Insert
            Toxik Ephex - Police Brutality
            Sic - Low
            Molitov Cocktail - Ain’t Got A Clue
            Naked - Mid 1930’s (Pre-war Germany)
            Capital Punishment - We’ve Realised The Truth Now
            Anthrax - All The Wars
            Endangered Species - Slaughter Of The Innocent (Curiosity Kills)
            Pseudo Sadists - War Games
            Total Chaos - Pyscho Analysis
            Dougie - War Without Winners
            St Vitus Dancers - The Survivor
            Stegz - Christus Erection
            Metro Youth - Brutalised
            Normality Complex - Black Market Shadow
            Youth In Asia - The Power & The Glory
            Riot Squad - Security System
            Destructors - Agent Orange
            The Pits - U.K. In Dreamland
            The Bored - Riot Style
            Toby Kettle - Theatre Comment
            Chumbawumba - Three Years Later
            Passion Killers - Start Again
            Amerikan Arsenal - Get Off Yr Ass


            Bullshit Detector - 2023 Reissue

              Crass Records, alongside One Little Independent Records, reissue their iconic three volume compilation series, ‘Bullshit Detector’, on LP, available in both classic black and special edition grey vinyl. 

              ‘Bullshit Detector’ was the name of a series of compilation LPs put together by the anarcho-punk band Crass and released on their own label. Three editions were released between 1980 and 1984, consisting of demo tapes, rough recordings and artwork that had been sent to the band.

              The sound quality of the ‘Bullshit Detector’ series was mixed and often basic, or even poor, as Crass would master the tapes directly to record without any additional production or enhancement. For Crass, the expectation of a polished performance was missing the point.

              After punk had already been co-opted, re-packaged and sold back to us, ‘Bullshit Detector’ volumes 1-3 were, and still are, seen by many to capture the purest ethos of punk culture, an event that inspired hundreds to take to their bedrooms and garages and join the DIY revolution.

              Crass believed in the power of community and that their movement was for everybody. These compilations are an admittedly harsh but important part of that story; when Crass gave punk back to the people.

              TRACK LISTING

              Andy T - Jazz On A Summers Day
              Counter Attack - Don’t Wanna Fight For You
              Alternative - Change It
              Clockwork Criminals - We Are You
              Reputations In Jeopardy - Girls Love Popstars
              Crass - Do They Owe Us A Living
              Amebix - University Challenged
              Sceptics - Local Chaos
              The Sinyx - Mark Of The Beast
              Frenzy Battalion - Thalidomide
              Icon - Cancer
              The Speakers - Why
              A.P.F. Brigade - Anarchist Attack
              Fuck The C.I.A. - Right Or Wrong
              Caine Mutiny And The Kallisti Apples Of Nonsense - Morning Star
              The Sucks - 3
              Porno Squad - Khaki Doesn’t Go With My Eyes
              S.P.G. Murders - Soldiers
              Eratics - National Service
              Red Alert 8 - Who Needs Society
              The Snipers - War Song
              Armchair Power - Power
              Disrupters - Napalm
              Andy T - Nagaski Mon Amour
              Action Frogs - Drumming Up Hope (Ferret Skank)


              Bullshit Detector Three - 2023 Reissue

                Crass Records, alongside One Little Independent Records, reissue their iconic three volume compilation series, ‘Bullshit Detector’.

                ‘Bullshit Detector’ was the name of a series of compilation LPs put together by the anarcho-punk band Crass and released on their own label. Three editions were released between 1980 and 1984, consisting of demo tapes, rough recordings and artwork that had been sent to the band.

                The sound quality of the ‘Bullshit Detector’ series was mixed and often basic, or even poor, as Crass would master the tapes directly to record without any additional production or enhancement. For Crass, the expectation of a polished performance was missing the point.

                After punk had already been co-opted, re-packaged and sold back to us, ‘Bullshit Detector’ volumes 1-3 were, and still are, seen by many to capture the purest ethos of punk culture, an event that inspired hundreds to take to their bedrooms and garages and join the DIY revolution.

                Crass believed in the power of community and that their movement was for everybody. These compilations are an admittedly harsh but important part of that story; when Crass gave punk back to the people.

                Sleeve notes from ‘Bullshit Detector Three’ read: “Don’t expect music when the melody is anger, when the message sings defiance, three chords are frustration when the words are from the heart.”

                TRACK LISTING

                Avert Aversion - Oh What A Nice Day
                Awake Mankind - Once Upon A Time
                A Nul Noise - Hibashuka
                Animus - Nuclear Piss
                Peroxide - Ministry Of Death (M.O.D.)
                Untitled - We Are Taught To Kill
                Xtract - Fight For Peace
                Verbal Assault - Not Yet Ron
                Fifth A Column - Counterfeit Culture
                Potential Victim - People
                7th Plague - Rubber Bullets
                Rebel A - Genesis To Genocide
                Alienated - Living In Fear
                Barbed Wire - Weapons Of War
                Rob Williams - Lies
                Reality Control - The War Is Over
                Youthanasia - Power
                Sammy Rubette & Safety Match - The Ballad Of Maggie The Maggot
                Politicide - 51st State
                Markus Abused - The Killing Machine
                One Man’s Meat - Your Country Misleads You
                Direct Action - Death Without A Thought
                Crag - Voice Your Protest
                Attrition - In Your Hand
                Napalm Death - The Crucifixion Of Possessions
                The Impalers - Sun, Sun, Sun
                Health Hazzard - Picture Show
                Phil Hedgehog - Radio Times
                Malice - Faceless
                Michael Kingzett Taylor - Paranoia
                Brainwashed Pupils - The Demonstration
                No Defences - Work To Consume
                A.N.E.E.B. - Berlin Wall
                Carnage - Carnage
                Warning - Beasts Of Fiction
                State Of Shock - Excess Youth
                Neale Harmer - Hard Nut
                Dead To The World - Action Man
                Dandruff - Life In A Whiskey Bottle
                Richard III - Will You Care?
                Funky Rayguns - The Hare And The Tortoise

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