Kim Deal

The Root / Range On Castle

Image of Kim Deal - The Root / Range On Castle
Record Label
Period Music

About this item

"The Root"
This song was written by me and a woman named Morgan Nagler. Her band, Whispertown 2000, opened for the Breeders. I am singing this and playing all the instruments. Morgan is singing harmony. We recorded this in LA in different places and I took it to Electrical Audio in Chicago and Greg Norman mixed it down. This song was recorded and mixed analog and mastered DMM.

"Range On Castle"
This song is also written by me and Morgan. Morgan takes the lead and sings this one. I sing the harmony. I play all the instruments except the drums. Lindsey Glover played the drums on this one. We recorded it in LA.
Now we mixed this one to a CD and used the CD to make a 1/2" tape. Then we gave the 1/2" to Ryan at Sterling and he mastered DMM. Vaughan Oliver/v23 designed this cover.


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