The Liminanas / Laurent Garnier
De Pelicula

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The psychedelic garage duo The Liminanas and French techno pioneer DJ/producer Laurent Garnier have now produced together “De Pelicula”.
The result is neither a Limiñanas techno record nor a Laurent Garnier rock album. It is a record that feels like a walk on the wild side, one straight out of a film noir that was spawned from the need to write music that tells a story and rattles all traditional patterns in a (super)sonic trance.
A heated road-trip spent chasing Juliette and Saul, two teenage rascals straight out of a ‘60s classic - think “Breathless” (original title: A bout de Souffle) meets Sailor and Lula - balancing on the southern border with Spain, knocked out by the heat and cheap liquor.
Barry says: What a weird and wonderful mixture this is. The Liminanas' psychedelic groove works perfectly here with Garnier's propulsive electronics, with the end result being both wildly psychedelic and wonderfully focused. A superb, soaring trip of a record.
1. Saul
2. Je Rentrais Par Le Bois … Bb
3. Juliette Dans La Caravane
4. Que Calor !
5. Promenades Obliques
6. Tu Tournes En Boucle
7. Steeplechase
8. Juliette
9. Ne Gâche Pas L'aventure Humaine
10. Au Début C'était Le Début
11. Saul S'est Fait Planter