

Image of Sonnamble - Blindlight
Record Label

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'Blindlight' is the second release from London based electro-acoustic improvisers Sonnamble, again consisting of Conor Curran on electronics and software and Peter Marsh on stringed instruments.

Again the focus is on Marsh's lapsteel guitar, whose drones, chords and twangs are coaxed into expansive ambient fuzziness or atomised into grains of noise by Curran's home-cooked software patches.

The album has been remixed and remastered for the digipack release and we think it's a far more polished and palatable version of what was originally released. Hopefully far more digestible than it's harsher predecessor. But there's a sparseness and a more pronounced spikiness to the music this time around; it's still immersive stuff, but more edgy...

"This second Sonnamble album builds on its predecessor’s complex set up. Here, Conor Curran weaves Peter Marsh’s original sound sources and textures into a series of stunning miniature constructions which manage to be at once challenging, immersive and evocative" - themilkfactory.


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