Little Arthur Mathews / Willie Wright
I'm Gonna Whale On You / I'm Gonna Leave You Baby, And I’m Goin’ Away To Stay

- Record Label
- Outta Sight
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Who needs the summer when the next three Outta Sight R&B collectables are as hot as these?
The Northern end of R&B continues to pack the dancefloors across Europe and it is showcased - at its best - in these in-demand cuts. Six top tunes that would set you back a month’s wages if you’re lucky! All hard to find on their respective original labels which, incredibly, date from as early as 1952.
On side A Little Arthur Mathews hooks up with the Johnny Otis Band for the horn honking skiffle-like cut "’m Gonna Whale On You". On the flip Willie Wright belts it out on rhythm & blues roller "I’m Gonna Leave You Baby, And I’m Goin’ Away To Stay".
1. I’m Gonna Whale On You - Little Arthur Mathews With The Johnny Otis Band
2. I’m Gonna Leave You Baby, And I’m Goin’ Away To Stay - Willie Wright