Sonic Youth / Jim O'rourke
Invito Al Cielo

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The opener "Invito Al Cielo" is all amp-moan and synth scratch, yet placid (in the storm-eye sense), featuring some inspired trumpet-Brut and more whispered scats from Kim. The shimmering vibes and sine-pulse of "Hungara Vivo" actually recalls the digi-mosaics of oh-so-au curant electronicsters like Microstoria, yet nonetheless was performed by the band in good ole real time and space. "Radio-Amatoroj" is another long-form spelunk into an audio architectonics of cathedralic proportion. More cymbal-spray and guitar-gong percussives, shifting textures ebb and fade in some kind of psycho-sensory algebra you don't even need to know how to solve.