Ceephax Acid Crew
Ceerial Port
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Originally released on Firstcask Records 2006, played by Aphex Twin at Field Day 2023. Ceephax essential oils, reintroduced into the water table.
Braindance, fifth gear electro, Cornish acid and distorted box jams, all humming with high voltage electricity and tons of anarchistic spirit. Squarepusher's little brother certainly knew how to make a rachet!
RIYL: RX-101, Roy Of The Ravers, Paranoid London, AFX, Luke Vibert etc etc.
01 Acid Highway
02 Red Dx Acid Extra Bd Shorter
03 Acid Whorl
04 Acid Causeway 1
05 Tough Grugoy Acid
06 Acid Surf Dream
07 Woodlice Acid