Yard Act
The Trenchcoat Museum

- Record Label
- Island
About this item
The Trench Coat Museum is on limited edition black vinyl, signed by no one and definitely not numbered, hand printed, stamped, and comes with no bonus prints, stickers or postcard
All well and good, but, what does it actually sound like!? Basically this brand new track feels like something of a step up for this superb band. More propulsive and percussive with dare I say a funkier feel, frontman James Smith spins a typical yarn about, well......find out for yourselves!
The A side is a whopping 8 minuts long but flip it over and there's an Arthur Baker ( yes, THE!) remix which makes the whole 12 a most desirable package,, no hand print, poster, sticker or number notwithstanding !!!
Andy says: A brilliant step forwards for one of our favourite bands Love it!
A-Side – The Trench Coat Museum
B-Side – The Trench Coat Museum (Arthur Baker Remix) (!)