
Cautionary Tales Of Youth

Image of Lapsley - Cautionary Tales Of YouthImage of Lapsley - Cautionary Tales Of Youth
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Produced in collaboration with Jessy Lanza, Paul White, Greg Abrahams and regular collaborator Joe Brown, Lapsley’s third album is an intimate but universal exploration of those Cautionary Tales that - eventually - may also prove the making of you.

As eclectic as it is unguarded, the album is a form of therapy in the truest sense: a talking cure and a hauntingly beautiful confession, resulting in a thrilling yet soulful work of love, loss and growth.


Barry says: Throbby bass, sleek vocals and sidechained synth sweeps are exactly what you'd expect from Lapsley but 'Cautionary Tales' runs effortlessly through the fringes of bass music, R&B and modern IDM as well as the perfectly accomplished sleek synth-pop we've come to know and love. The vocals here are vocoded and twisted around the instrumentals, sometimes unrecognisably but always with a keen ear on production. Lovely.


1. 32 Floors
2. Hotel Corridors
3. Paradise
4. Close To Heaven
5. Dial Two Seven
6. Nightingale
7. War And Peace
8. Levitate
9. Smoke And Fire
10. Pandora's Box
11. Lifeline
12. Say I'm What You Need

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