Goat Girl
On All Fours

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Goat Girl's latest offering lets off the distortion pedal just enough to make room for a more electronic pool of inspiration. It's delightfully wonky at times and tracks like “Jazz (In The Supermarket)” explore tempo changes and chord progressions that 2018 Goat Girl wouldn't dare consider. This doesn't mean they've held out on pure melody though, “P.T.S Tea” is satisfyingly poppy and “Sad Cowboy” breaks off into a New Order-esque sci-fi trip only after first smashing out four and a half minutes of delicious guitar twanging.
There is (to my delight) an overarching melancholy present throughout, keeping the pop at bay. Sadly, this might be because the album was put together during uncertain times for guitarist Ellie Rose Davies who was diagnosed with blood cancer. Now in remission, one can’t help but think that facing mortality changes everything and perhaps the band, as a whole, have been left feeling these shockwaves.
Barry says: Goat Girls' swooning jangle takes a step into the future with their newest outing, adding moody synths and angular changes to their already impressive foundations. It's a brilliantly refined forward step, and shows that great things will come from Goat Girl in the future.
Jazz (In The Supermarket)
Once Again
Sad Cowboy
The Crack
Closing In
Anxiety Feels
They Bite On You
Where Do We Go From Here?