The Royal We

The Royal We

Image of The Royal We - The Royal We
Record Label

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The debut album from Glasgow's latest finest pop band The Royal We, six young dreamers who came together in early 2006. Within months, and armed with a view of what it takes to make decent pop music, they began to build up a collection of tunes that presented an older, odder kind of pop – reminiscent of the experimental pop of Orange Juice or ESG or even The Raincoats. Within no time, they became the new 'it' band, and talk of The Royal We spread south of the border prompting the usual A&R frenzy. The band signed to Domino Records' imprint label Geographic and released their debut single "All The Rage", one of the most glamorous, sassy and perfect pop songs around. And now we have the release of "The Royal We", the band's self titled debut album. A collection of eight beautiful pop songs which represent the unique and quirky style of The Royal We. A flawless polaroid of a moment in time when The Royal We won the hearts of many and proved themselves to be something truly special.

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