Hamish Hawk
A Firmer Hand - Launch Show Ticket Bundle

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“Writing this album, I opened up my closet, and a skeleton came out.” In a café just around the corner from his Edinburgh flat, Hamish Hawk is contemplating his extraordinary new record, A Firmer Hand. “The thing that links all of the songs is a sense of the unsaid, whether out of guilt, shame, repression, embarrassment, coyness, whatever it might have been. I realised: I am going to say these things, and not all of them are going to make me look good. The album made so many demands, and I just gave myself over to it.”
At this stage, where only a handful of close associates have heard the finished album, Hawk is still unsure of what the reaction might be from fans, critics, even family. He jokes that A Firmer Hand is the first of his records that his parents might not enjoy. “But the fact that it makes me nervous tells me it was the right thing to do.”
It takes only a couple of listens to be sure that it was a risk worth taking. And just a couple more to determine that A Firmer Hand is the best and boldest record Hamish Hawk has delivered to date. “It’s a bit of a coming of age record,” he says. And a record for the ages.
A Firmer Hand Album Launch Show

Night And Day Cafe
Thursday 15th August
Doors: 7pm
Onstage: 7:30pm
Following his fantastic stripped back instore show last year, we are very excited to welcome Hamish Hawk back to celebrate the release of his third album, A Firmer Hand.
This time around he's treating us to a full band performance, and so, as we don't want to upset the neighbours we're heading over the road to Night And Day for the gig. (There's a bar in there too which is a bonus!) It's going to be a rare chance to catch Hamish in such a small venue as he's going to be playing much bigger venues on his next tour.
**As this show is before the album release, prints will be available on the night for signing**
Tickets are only available here at Piccadilly Records either as part of a bundle or a standalone ticket. We urge you to consider buying an LP / CD bundle rather than Ticket only as they offer the best value for money, PLUS this way you are helping the artist. Also, we want to be able to do more of these Album Launch shows in the future and the more albums we sell the more artists and labels will want to be involved.
+++We won't be issuing physical tickets for this event - names will be on the door so please bring either your order confirmation or proof of ID.+++
1. Juliet As Epithet
2. Machiavelli’s Room
3. Big Cat Tattoos
4. Nancy Dearest
5. Autobiography Of Spy
6. You Can Film Me
7. Christopher St.
8. Men Like Wire
9. Questionable Hit
10. Disingenuous
11. Milk An Ending
12. The Hard Won