Elizabeth Parker

Future Perfect

Image of Elizabeth Parker - Future Perfect
Record Label

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Elizabeth Parker is a composer you may not have heard of until now. Well here she is, in all her musical glory, having worked for decades at the front line of British electronics, radiophonics, soundracks and more. This is an album full of musical ideas ahead of the curve, with contemporary technology that was to go on and very much shape the future of sound we know now. From classic tape loop techniques to modern sampling concepts you will find dark ambience, drones, beer adverts and drifts into space. This is the first ever Elizabeth Parker LP and represents (with 26 tracks) a very small retrospective of her extraordinarily prolific and commercial output. Not to be missed.


Space Dris
Memory Loss
Harmonisers Of The Spheres
Telepathy Beyond Time
Older Than Time
Congestion Hoe-down
Celandine And Columbine
The Dying Of The Light
Darkness At Noon
Future Perfect
The Killing Skies

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