Whale City
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Let Warmduscher be your guide. Clams Baker: the man with the golden tongue. Fast-talking, no nonsense networker. The ‘legitimate’ front to the great rock ‘n’ roll swindle. No time for fact checking. No need for building regulations. Heading straight to the top. Consequence be damned. Lightnin’ Jack Everett is his man on point. The rhythm. The brains. The brawn. Let’s make lots of money. The Saulcano, Mr Salt Fingers Lovecraft and The Witherer operate in the shadows. The cogs. The machine. The bootleggers.
South London recidivists Warmduscher include members of Paranoid London, Fat White Family and Childhood.
Longtime Warmduscher biographer Dr Alan Goldfarb describes Whale City as “a rock opera so vast in magnitude that - were in not for my being strapped naked to a chair in a garage - could send a man hurtling towards the outer perimeters of uncharted space”.
1. A1. Bright Lights
2. A2. Standing On The Corner
3. A3. Big Wilma
4. A4. 1000 Whispers
5. A5. The Sweet Smell Of Florida
6. A6. No Way Out
7. B1. I Got Friends