Following the success of their debut single, "Denshi Lenzi," Tokyo Riddim Band returns with "Canoe Boy," a seductive and hypnotic Japanese new wave reggae track. Originally penned by Japanese punk rock pioneer PANTA (of Zuno Keisatsu) in 1980 for New Music singer Tomoko Kuwae’s third album, this gem never saw a single release - until now.
Dubby and funky Tokyo Riddim Band’s rendition features one and only Prince Fatty’s deep & wild dubwise with siren machines, longer solos and groovy outro.
Recorded, mixed & dubbed by Prince Fatty at Prince Fatty Studios, London
Mastered by Noah Priddle for Prince Fatty Studios
Produced by Kay Suzuki
Band Members:
Izumi “Mimi” Kobayashi (Organ)
Megumi Mesaku (Saxophones)
Ayana (Vocal)
Marley Drummond (Drums)
Nathan Dawkins (Bass)
Euan McGinty (Guitar)
Kay Suzuki (Siren)
Horseman (Percussion - guest musician)
Matt says: Another one from fledging London group Tokyo Rhythm Band. Gotta be honest, wasn't too fond of the vocal cut here; but the dub on the other hand is really ticking my tail feathers. Psychedelic and enchanted, it's got a bit of that Captain Ganja And The Space Patrol feel about it. Plus a bit of Scientist traditionality. Reckon these early 7"s might end being quite collectable as the band grows from strength to strength.TRACK LISTING
A. Canoe Boy
B. Canoe Dub