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Suzanne Kraft

Sometimes / If I Die

"Sometimes / If I Die" are two songs that have been key parts of the Suzanne Kraft live shows for the last year. The only songs in the set list not taken from the 2021 album "About You", it felt natural to give them the full release that they deserve. Both tracks carry the hallmarks of SK’s recent work; hazy guitars, horizontally-inclined vocals and fuzzy 4-track pop sensibilities. 

"Sometimes" was written in the wake of wrapping up "About You" and served as a pole star for future exploration. A song of brotherly love, it simply describes a late evening at a friend’s house talking, drinking, laughing, sharing stories. "If I Die" is a song originally written and recorded by close friend Alejandro Cohen and his band Languis. About the song, SK says, 'Ale played a pivotal role in my musical upbringing since meeting him in my late teens. When the time came to play shows and tour I wanted to honour the influence Ale had on me by bringing one of his most beautiful songs along with me.'

Limited edition of 300 with colour printed insert designed by Steele Bonus


Matt says: Suzanne Kraft is part of the Melody As Truth inner circle. Occasionally collaborating with label head Jonny Nash and releasing 2015's epic "Talk From Home" LP. Here (real name) Diego Herrera takes cues from Dinosaur Jr. and Sarah Records for a more guitar driven, indie-centric moment that should appeal to fans of our Horsebeach.


If I Die

Hugh Small & Brian Allen Simon

The Side I Never See

MAT is proud to announce the forthcoming release of ‘The Side I Never See’, by Hugh Small & Brian Allen Simon. Hugh forms half of Scottish post-punk duo Vazz, whose work was the subject of a recent retrospective by Belgian label Stroom. Brian is known best for his solo project Anenon, under which name he has released four full length albums and multiple remixes for artists including Ryuichi Sakamoto.

An improvised recording of Brian playing over the Vazz piece ‘Kazimierz’ catalysed this long-distance collaboration; 2000 feet up a mountain in Andalucia, Hugh heard the recording on a broadcast of Brian’s dublab LA radio show. Immediately taken in by Brian’s playing, the pair soon established contact and began discussing the possibility of working to create something new together.

The rest, as they say, is history: the results are fully realised in ‘The Side I Never See’, a shimmering suite of ten compositions for piano, soprano saxophone, synthesizer and guitar. In Hughs words… ‘so, what is it? It’s Ambient-Punk, Abstract-Jazz, Disaffected-Classical, it’s whatever the fuck you want it to be!’ :-)

‘The Side I Never See’ will be released on Melody As Truth in early August 2021, as always on vinyl and digital. Mastered by Stephan Mathieu, Artwork by Michael Willis.


Observation Point
Source And Origin
Related Objects

Jonny Nash & Teguh Permana


Recorded over the course of March 2020 in Bandung and Amsterdam, ‘Poe’ is a collaboration between Jonny Nash and Teguh Permana. Permana is a renowned player of the Tarawangsa, a two-stringed instrument used in the sacred Tarawangsa music of Sunda, Indonesia. Poe’, meaning ‘Days’ in Sundanese, is a meditation on death and rebirth as reflected in the passing of time and the changing of the seasons. Permana is also active in the group Tarawangsawelas who released their debut album on Morphine records in 2017.



It's the 21st Century and the cult of mass information has finally vanquished the allure of mystery. Reality TV, live blogging, social media and iCloud leaks - we don't wanna see our idols airbrushed, we wanna see them before they zip their skin up. We want the process dammit, the 4 a.m. burnout, the smudged ink and the pencil shavings. 
Melody As Truth know what we want, and the Amsterdam label duly give it to us with their new MATstudio series. Inviting us into their workspace, Jonny Nash and Suzanne Kraft catalogue some of the experiments, explorations, accidents and fortuitous events that regularly take place. Each record will feature two compositions created from a collage of works created using guitar, bass, synth, piano, chime and fx.
This first offering treats us to a pair of drifting dreamscapes, both strange, beautiful and organic. Imagine floating down a river in a land of divergent DNA.


Patrick says: Jonny Nash and Suzanne Kraft serve up the first in a series of recordings taken from live jams, improvised sessions and machine experiments. Floral beauty on the A-side, seismic power on the flip.


A1. In Strange Company He Spoke Softly
B1. The Land Through Which We Pass

Tourist Kid's first release for Melody As Truth. Recorded in Perth and Melbourne between 2016 and 2017. Though the idea of movement between two places could be a somewhat romantic afterthought, a more palpable sense of dislocated unease creeps up on the listener throughout the album.

On "Discourse II", stutters of digital trash segue seamlessly into a plateau of serene, glassy ambience – and on "Bacterial", the hiss and sting of rehashed foley seems to dance around a plaintive, oh-so delicate piano solo. These striking contrasts are deftly managed, playing upon notions of digital noise and ambient, while never feeling weighed down by the limits of reference or gesture. Indeed, numerous touchstones to Tourist Kid's earlier work – and to that of contemporaries – are synthesized and expanded upon to great detail and atmosphere. "Crude Tracer" sits in its own adeptly nuanced and assured space.

Tourist Kid's production encompasses all manner of tangible and otherworldly sounds as a vehicle to explore something far more intriguing than a simple instrumental fetish – so much so that the overwhelming sting of blasted detritus or a broken and bent vocal is capable of eliciting such delicate impulses as glistening, heart-wrenching piano chords. It's a unique – and very special – kind of beauty that Tourist Kid gracefully achieves with "Crude Tracer”. 


Patrick says: Jonny Nash embraces the burgeoning Aussie ambient scene for the latest Melody As Truth release, inviting Tourist Kid to open our eyes and align our chakras. Shifting, shimmering and beautifully intangible, ‘Crude Tracer’ filters dreamlike compositions through the most delicate static, resulting in a truly ephemeral experience.


1. Example
2. Discourse II
3. Learn
4. Variegare
5. Know
6. UV Bleacher Tangent
7. Bacterial
8. Petrol 

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