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James Barnard

Dracula / The Curse Of Frankenstein (OST) - 2024 Reissue

    Hammer Films has long held a special place in the hearts of horror fans, defining the British genre during the 1950’s with classics such as Dracula and The Curse of Frankenstein. Composer James Bernard scored both and went on to compose the music to a host of horror films for Hammer during the Sixties and Seventies. His distinctive clashing harmonies, often doubling the musical theme a tone higher, raise the on-screen action to a frenzied pitch, terrifying 20th Century cinema goers to the degree that his scores have become synonymous with the titular monsters.


    Side A: Dracula
    1 Main Title From Dracula
    2 Arrival At Castle Dracula
    3 Plan Revealed/Plea For Help/Dracula's Rage
    4 The Mausoleum/Harker Stakes The Bride/Empty Casket
    5 The Diary/Van Helsing Finds Harker
    6 Sleep Well/Dracula Seduces Lucy

    Side B
    1 Lucy's Second Encounter/Garlic Flowers
    2 Aunt Lucy/Lucy Is Released
    3 Mina Ensnared/It Was There
    4 Allergic Reaction/Mina's Submission
    5 Bloodstained Mina/The Cellar
    6 The Final Battle
    7 Rhapsody For Lucy (Lucie)

    Side C: The Curse Of Frankenstein
    1 Main Title From The Curse Of Frankenstein
    2 A Brilliant Intellect/It's Alive
    3 The Gibbet
    4 An Offer Of Help/Goodnight Professor/The Professor's Brain
    5 The Creature/He's Gone

    Side D
    1 The Creature And The Blind Man/You Shoot Well/I'll Give You Life Again
    2 Justine's Fate
    3 Get Up/Final Confrontation/The Guillotine

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