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Cheap Classics open up their tenure with this rather classy revisitation of the incredibly sexy, deep house jam, "Clare". Produced by iO and released on Mo Wax in 1995 it contains elements of "Cala Boca Menino" by João Donato and is a real red lit, smoldering example of a backroom burner. Think Kelvin Brown at Electric Chair circa 2002.

iO add some fresh remixes into the equation with Patrick Pulsinger joined by Sam Irl on the first one, dubbing things out inna nice style. Patrick rides solo on remix two, going on a gurgling tribal acid tip, very nice.

Then it's the turn of Erdem Tunakan who ups the anti with voluptuous pads, cushiony synths and a progressive thrust which really gives the track some welly.

Seriously strong 12". Don't sleep! 


Matt says: This one came out of nowhere and had me hooked! Hard to pick a favourite between the OG and the new remixes - all have that late night thrust nailed to a T.


A1 Claire (The Original 1994 Version)
A2 Claire (Pulsinger & Irl Dub Version)
B1 Claire (Patrick Pulsinger Rework)
B2 Claire (Erdem Tunakan Remix)

Klaus Johann Grobe

Io Tu Il Loro

    RIYL: Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Air, Cavern of Anti-Matter, Neu!, Marcos Valle, Todd Terje, Klaus Dinger, Blank Realm.

    FOURTH album from the Swiss duo. Six years have passed since Swiss-based duo Klaus Johann Grobe's last long player "Du bist so symmetrisch" (2018) and you'll hear they've come a long way. "Io tu il loro", their fourth album for Chicago-based Trouble In Mind Records was written over two weeks in a cabin at the very end of a remote Swiss valley, where - pretty much at the same place - Klaus Johann Grobe came up with their whole debut full-length "Im Sinne der Zeit" album in 2014. What started out as simply making music again quickly turned into seriously making a new album. Once decided, the whole thing was finished rather quickly and recorded once again at David Langhard's Dala Studio at the end of 2022.

    "Io tu il loro" is a record that cannot be done by endlessly fiddling around with hundreds of ideas and sounds. All it needed was a real break (Dani and Sevi didn't work on any Grobe related stuff until they met up in the mountains in 2022). It's an album with a blurry vision and soft limitations. You can somehow feel them looking back on all their work forgivingly and then moving on to what felt right. So here we are with nine tracks full of embracing warmth, so melancholicly welcoming you don't know if you want to smile or cry. Some might call it timeless, some might call it dad-rock... well, it certainly isn't disco for the masses, it's more like, "If I can't make myself dance after four beers, I can as well go home." So, no disco? No syncopated synths? No German? No reverb? Where's The Grobe? Take your time, you'll notice Klaus Johann Grobe aren't gone, they just took a turn before driving yet into another unknown. 


    1. Highway High
    2. Getting Down To Adria
    3. Never Going Easy
    4. When You Leave
    5. Try
    6. Bay Of Love
    7. Io Sempre Di Tu
    8. Better Do
    9. You Gave It All 

    Circuit Des Yeux


      ‘-io’ is the sixth album by vocalist and composer Haley Fohr, best known as Circuit des Yeux. A celebrated figure in Chicago’s music community, she has released acclaimed albums via De Stijl, Thrill Jockey, and Drag City and toured throughout the world. However, '-io' is Circuit des Yeux’s most ornate and elaborate work to date – a set of compositions that nest Fohr’s otherworldly four-octave voice amid a 24-piece string, brass, and wind ensemble.

      The album was put to tape last fall by Cooper Crain at Chicago’s Electrical Audio studio and mixed by Marta Salogni (Bjork, Holly Herndon) with Fohr acting as arranger and producer. Written in the wake of personal loss and recorded in the midst of the pandemic, '-io' maps a geography of grief – a place where “everything is ending all the time.” While Fohr’s music has never been short on ambition, these songs are striking in their brilliance and strangeness. On '-io', Circuit des Yeux has delivered a work that is vivid, immense, and fully illuminated.


      Tonglen | In Vain
      The Chase
      Sculpting The Exodus
      Walking Toward Winter
      Neutron Star
      Oracle Song

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