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E.VAX is the project of electronic-rock duo Ratatat’s Evan Mast. Heading it alone, without Mike Stroud influence or input, his self-titled solo project is a more intimate, personal and playful exploration of this singular producer’s expansive vision.

Half recorded at home, half at a friend’s art gallery in Montana, the imposed global lockdown lent itself to a more considered and exploratory approach. He’d play songs at the wrong speed to see how it changed what he heard, or deliberately leave a melody untouched for months and then improvise over it after playing it anew for the first time. Unable to get lost in real life, he got lost in music.

Mixing thick, blankety atmospheres with modern drum programming (referencing glitch, drill and boombap, alongside warped downbeat flavours) and utilizing shining, resplendent melodies and instruments, the album creates a nice contrast between light and dark textures, punctuated with futuristic rhythms and decorated with casual flurries of eclectronic genius. 


1. Rabindra
3. Always
4. What About You
5. Manila
6. Anything At All

1. Kolkata
2. Pretty Good
3. New Words
4. Little Lung
5. Koko
6. Actual Air

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