It’s a sense of outsiderness that links Throat’s disparate parts: folk-horror, VHS video nasties, poetry, the natural world, hauntology, true crime, John Laurie films, teenage acid trips, twisted road songs. 'Throat' is a way of giving a platform to this secret world, while almost moonlighting as a run-of-the-mill ‘album’. Soon after the title track was complete, Mark began recording and sending more music to Power, who’d write words while driving around Merseyside at night. As the tracks began taking shape, a pattern emerged, and with it, certain rules. All recordings go down in the first take. Mistakes stay in. Only play what’s to hand, even if it’s a tin pot. It’s within these limitations that 'Throat' blossomed - eschewing traditional song structures for discordant instrumental breaks, passages of spoken word, the sound of footsteps on a wooden staircase.
1. Throat
2. One
3. The Master
4. Death Of Ghillie Man
5. Nick Powers Dream
6. Moon Over Tesco
7. Dead Cars
8. New Brighton Speedway 1972
9. The Tailor And The Mouse.
10. Return Of Ghillie Man
11. Jody Forever