Free Blood
Never Hear Surf Music Again - Inc. Barfly Remix

- Record Label
- RongDFA
About this item
First up on Rong's shiny, new DFA collaborating imprint RongDFA is Free Blood's "Never Hear Surf Music Again" 12". This two-piece Brooklyn band has more street cred than you can shake a stick at, and for good reason. Consisting of Madeline Davy (Octopi NYC) on the microphone and John Pugh (formally of !!!) also on microphone, Free Blood has got some serious, serious heat on the mic and mixing board. Hey, really, who needs other band members when you're rockin' a style this damn hard? "Never Hear Surf Music Again" is an unpredictable druggy number, a mangled hybrid of disco-not-disco rhythms fused angrily with a Butthole Surfers song and a hint of Beatles melodies later on. It's followed by the steaming mayhem of "Quick and Painful", a raucous affair that delivers a swift kick to the head in an indie-meets-R&B fashion. On the flip, the Barfly boys stretch things out a bit with a nine-minute Arthur Russell-style disco (not disco) remix of the title track. After tearing the roof off and burning down the place with their mind-crunching sound, this band is ready to clear out any venue at a moment's notice.