

Image of Adwaith - Solas

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The first-ever double album in Welsh by female artists Adwaith, the dynamic Welsh trio, proudly announce the release of their highly anticipated third album, 'Solas'. Meaning “light of being” or “enlightenment” in Old Celtic, Solas marks a significant milestone in both the band’s journey and Welsh music history as the first double album in the Welsh language by female artists. Recorded across diverse locations—including the Outer Hebrides in Scotland, Lisbon in Portugal, and multiple studios in Wales—Solas reflects Adwaith’s growth and evolution as artists. This album completes a trilogy chronicling their transformation from teenagers into empowered women, exploring themes of self-discovery, escape, and resilience.


1. Planed
2. MWY
3. Tristwch
4. Gofyn
5. Solas
6. Teimlo
7. Pelydr-X
8. Wyt Ti Ar Y Lein
9. Ti
10. Heddiw / Yfory
11. Y Diwedd
12. Coeden Anniben
13. Paid Aros
14. Gorllewin Pell
15. Sain
16. Ni
17. Taliaris
18. Purdan
19. Y Ddawns
20. Sanas
21. Miliwn
22. Addo
23. Deffro

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