Various Artists
In The Mood...Little John's Romantic Label 1986-1990 LP

- Record Label
- Romantic
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Little John is one of the most loved and prolific 80s dancehall artists. He started as a child artist in 1979 and by the mid 1980s had recorded for every major producer. In 1984 at age 14 he already knew the ropes of the business and started to produce 45s on his own Romantic label, which he continued sporadically releasing tunes on up until 1993. For us this is one of the coolest looking labels of the latter 1980s, and has a handful of hard to find killer 45s, mostly obscure and mostly slept on. So naturally we needed to corral these for another all killer no filler compilation. True to his own roots, Little John’s label mostly features fresh youthman artists, though a handful of veterans, like Frankie Paul and Early B who are both featured here, also recorded for him. The ten songs on this comp are our favorites from the label, featuring a selection of killer rhythms spanning the heavy mid 80s style, the proper late 80s digital style, and the more uptempo early 90s style. Hardcore DKR heads take note - this features three cuts on that most hallowed 1987 digi rhythm.
Matt says: We've had a fresh drop of reggae, dub and dancehall from Digikiller. I reckon this compilation of hard to find 45s produced and in some instances voiced by Little John is the most intriguing. Authentic, mid 80s dancehall that's been painfully hard to acquire.
A1. Jughead - Get Up And Fight
A2. Dutch Man - Weh Yu Wah Mi Do Ballay
A3. Frankie Paul - No I Wooden Mind
A4. Little John - I'm Lonely Too
A5. Little Chukie - Show You That I Love You
B1. Prince Oret - Getto Youth
B2. Lee Crystal - Give My Loving A Try
B3. Early B - Come
B4. Little John - Champion Lover
B5. Baker B - Cowboy MC