
After The Bufo

Image of Buckley - After The BufoImage of Buckley - After The Bufo
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After opening their tenure with an EP of hip-house updates courtesy of In 5 D, Upgrade get Manchester / Leeds producer Buckley on board for their second
instalment. Direct, jacking and FUN, it should appeal to fans of Sally C, Tom Carruthers and Seth Troxler. 

There's a bonus cut from S/A/M - a more heady, cerebral affair with brilliant spoken word section - perfect for creating moments of tension or respite on a busy and sticky dancefloor. 

Top drawer tackle - recommended! 


Matt says: Upfront house tackle for the terraces that should appeal to fans of Circoloco, SUAT, Acid Mondays, Back2Basics etc. Don't sleep on that cheeky S/A/M track either - highly versatile ;)


I Like
Nude Night
Daft Sandwich
S/A/M - Real Man

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