Jackson Mathod

Studio Natives, Vol. 1

Image of Jackson Mathod - Studio Natives, Vol. 1
Record Label
Ameritz Music

About this item

‘Studio Natives, Vol.1’ is filled with improvisation, the most natural form of Jazz. Jackson Mathod is a trumpet player with intangible skill for the instrument, having played alongside Stormzy for his Glastonbury set he’s making waves with his third album. Speaking on the track ‘Mandible’ Mathod expands on his development into creating the album, ‘I think in some of my previous recorded music I was more focused on creating well-crafted music with great melodies and harmony. Whereas here there's a bit more focus on playing as a group and being more explorative in improvisation. We also didn't have a melody for this track until a week before the recording! Sometimes it just takes a while to find that melody or it might just pop into your head one day.’


Matt says: Modern trumpet player, Guildhall jazz alumni and session musician for Stormzy and Jordan Rakaei, Jackson Mathod drops his third album. A bright, fragrant and free jazz affair that's sure to give Halsall a run for his money. Lovely stuff.


1. Watermelon Man
2. Mandible
3. Slum
4. Jerome Arrived Late
5. Red Pistachio

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