Mother Is The Milky Way

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Another wonderful tour-only oddity from Broadcast, issued finally on LP and CD. This one is from 2009 and sees the duo at their most experimental, resulting in some of their msot arresting moments, fractured wisps of melody wrought out of clattering breakbeats and woozy psychedelic swirls both distorted and monolithic. There is little argument from anyone that they were a talented pair, and though this takes a little getting used to, it's even more evidence that their innovative way of doing things resulted in the most sublime of results. Shadowy and percussive, deeply psychedelic and wonderfully weird.
Barry says: I love broadcast, and I love the way they write music. It's never what you expect but it's ALWAYS worth listening to. This one from their 2009 tour is no different, and as a listening experience is both cathartic and richly rewarding. A weird and wonderful journey.
01 Creation Day The Travel Flute Way
02 In Here The World Begins
03 Elegant Elephant
04 Through The Gates Of Yesterday
05 Milling Around The Village
06 The Aphid Sleeps
07 Growing Backwards
08 I'm Just A Person In This Roomy Verse
09 Never Trust A Rusty Bolt
10 Innocence In Orbit
11 Mother's Milk Means Music [At Home In The Universe]