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'Cerrone’s 17th album "DNA" opens with "The Impact", a throbbing track of bendy entanglements all with an environmental stance. Halfway through, we’re treated to an excerpt of a speech from Jane Goodall, the world-famous primatologist and ethnologist: “Every single day we make some impact on the planet. We haven’t inherited this planet from our parents. We’ve borrowed it from our children. If we get together, then we can start to heal some of the scars that we’ve inflicted.” It’s hard not to draw comparisons with Supernature, in which Cerrone declared his first warning about man’s impact on the planet, 43 years ago.
This nine-track concept album is built on wandering contours and magnetic sparkle, from which bursts saturated oppressive synth pads ("Obsession"), a nod to PinkFloyd ("DNA"), and dramatic soundscapes ("Close To The Sky", "Experience") and clammy atmospheres that are delightedly languid. “What if I told you that the idea for Air Dreaming came to me after watching a video of a parachute jump featuring naked parachutists? When people ask me whether I’m still inspired by love and sex today, naturally my answer is yes.” Cerrone doesn’t deprive himself either of pushing Kraftwerk’s logic of unleashing robots on the dance floor (“I’ve got a rocket”, ”Let Me feel”), as his songs appeal to both the intellect and the body’s desire to move. “Let me dream, let me see, let me feel.”What better mantra for bringing this album full circle.
The Impact
Air Dreaming
I've Got A Rocket
Let Me Feel
Close To The Sky