Dorian Concept
The Nature Of Imitation

About this item
Dorian Concept - the insanely gifted keyboardist, producer and collaborator with Flying Lotus, Thundercat and The Cinematic Orchestra - makes his debut on Brainfeeder and the result is refreshingly unpretentious: dizzying swells, cacophonous breakdowns and formidable rhythms are both expert and childlike, hyperactive and hyper-focused. It's a multi-coloured and multi-textured affair which both nods to, and distances itself from fellow luminaries, with the most obvious comparison somewhere between the the luminous and full frequency sounds of Lone and Hudson Mohawke. Fans of Machine Drum, Floating Points and Cid Rim will also find much to enjoy; as will, I'm sure, anyone into the new Peckham jazz / electronics scene and the modern day whizz kids of LA mentioned above.
Angel Shark
J Buyers
A Mother’s Lament
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